If we’re mutuals, you’ve probably seen me talk about this trope at least once and gone: what the fuck is sentinel/guide?
You might also just be reading this, and that’s okay! Here’s a comprehensive guide just for you :]
What is the sentinel/guide trope?
The sentinel/guide trope comes from an older TV show called the Sentinel. In it, one of the characters goes through a situation that causes his genetic “hyperactive” senses to be activated. There’s a bit more to the show, but what’s important is the fact that this made him, and any other character with the ability, a Sentinel.
What does this universe have?
Every Sentinel/Guide story has at least three things: a sentinel, a guide, and zone-outs.
- Sentinel: A sentinel is a person with enhanced senses, meaning they have the ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel everything at a level much higher than a human is normally capable of.
- Guide: This is fanon. A guide is frequently depicted as someone that can help the keep the sentinel calm, and is good at keeping them grounded. They’re the sentinel’s partner, the one most capable of easing their spikes and getting them out of a zone out.
- Zone-out: Because a sentinel’s senses are much stronger than the average human’s, they often can experience an overload of sensory stimulation to the point that they become entirely focused on one sense. This kind of episode is a zone-out, where the sentinel becomes so overwhelmed to the point that they subconsciously shut off any signals from the rest of their senses, and are engulfed by the one sense, falling into a catatonic state. This leaves them vulnerable to attack.
There are sometimes also spikes:
- Spikes: A spike occurs when one or more of the senses is irritated by excessive stimulation, and a sentinel experiences sudden pain in the area related to that sense as a result. This isn’t quite a zone out, but more comparable to overusing a muscle, making it difficult to use that muscle, or sense in this case, due to pain and/or discomfort.’
Additional Fanlore:
- Sentinels and Guides can have a genetic imprint meant for each other. Guides usually have various traits that are comforting for the Sentinel when they would otherwise be overwhelming (such as their touch, scent, or pulse). On the flip side, Sentinels can offer a sense of protection or “shield” for Guides.
- Sentinels and Guides can also bond, especially if they’re compatible. How the bond is formed depends on the story, and some examples include bonding through touch, a key phrase, or even a bite. This also frequently leads to the formation of a psychic connection between bonded pairs, but again, that differs from story to story.
- Sentinels and guides can meet in the mental dimension known as the mindscape or minsdspace. This is often depicted as the place where guides help coax a sentinel during a zone-out, and its appearance can differ from sentinel to sentinel.
- Some stories lean into different spiritual aspects such as a spirit guide, usually in animal form, that exists in the mindscape/mindspace. It can be used in the bonding process, and can also be linked to guiding a sentinel from zone-outs.
Just like any trope, there are many versions of the sentinel/guide story that exist across fandoms.
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!
And if you’d like to bring your own sentinel/guide story to life, check out the BTS Sentinel Guide fest on twitter!