If we’re mutuals, you’ve probably seen me talk about this trope at least once and gone: what the fuck is sentinel/guide?

You might also just be reading this, and that’s okay! Here’s a comprehensive guide just for you :]

What is the sentinel/guide trope?

The sentinel/guide trope comes from an older TV show called the Sentinel. In it, one of the characters goes through a situation that causes his genetic “hyperactive” senses to be activated. There’s a bit more to the show, but what’s important is the fact that this made him, and any other character with the ability, a Sentinel.

What does this universe have?

Every Sentinel/Guide story has at least three things: a sentinel, a guide, and zone-outs.

There are sometimes also spikes:

Additional Fanlore:

Just like any trope, there are many versions of the sentinel/guide story that exist across fandoms.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

And if you’d like to bring your own sentinel/guide story to life, check out the BTS Sentinel Guide fest on twitter!